
Dian Sastro Wardoyo

Diandra Paramitha Sastrowardoyo (constant March 16, 1982 in Jakarta, in Indonesia) -- more popularly known like Dian Sastro or Dian Sastrowardoyo -- is a model and an actress Indonesian.

In 1996, it was the girl of cover of Gadis, a store of adolescence in Indonesia. It later became popular like Daya, the protagonist in Pasir Berbisik (sand of whisper). Dian to give a blow of foot-have finally begun its career on the big screen with a role of cameo in the Malayan film strongly popular Puteri Gunung Ledang before being quickly established as a one of Indonesia 's majority of the influential actresses, being held the first role out of films such as ADA Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) (what 's upwards with love? (film)), Banyu Biru, violet of Ungu and Belahan Jiwa.

Its (at March 2007) recent aspects of television include to play Raya in Dunia Tanpa Koma and a short work assigned like host centre of the exposure Kuis Milyarder superb Tiga Milyar of play.