Singer fenomenal champion Surip close age. Owner name Urip Ariyanto bin Soekotjo that mengembuskan last breath at the age of 50 years, according to the medical cause of death at around 10:30 yesterday (4 / 8).
Surip champion died in a trip to the hospital Pusdikkes TNI-AD is not far from the residence of comedians Mamiek Prakoso, place overnight, in Kampong Makassar, East Jakarta.
''When in the room until the UGD, stated that there is no (dead, Red),''said the house was made Mamiek house while mourning before moved to the Theater Workshop WAS Rendra in Citayam, Depok.
Before being taken to the hospital, said Mamiek, hear him call Varid Dwi Wahyu Kristianto, the second son of the assistant leader Surip double the take for this faithful to his father anywhere. ''This is why the father so weak?''Said Varid.
''Once I see, in the mouth water and foam like that. Wah, I say this unconscious. I do not understand the medical so confused. Finally, I try to take it to the hospital accident and would like to have neighbors leave work (drive), transfer, with the merry-go''cat's hair is unique.
According Mamiek, champion Surip visit to her home on Monday afternoon (3 / 8). As usual, he wih Varid with Supra own motorcycle. ''Pale face is visible. Varid says it is not healthy. Lha I say why I even ride motorcycles? Facility where the vehicle is that? Varid answer, 'Om Nggak, increased motor only,'''said Mamiek.
New times that he heard the expression Surip champion who pitched squawk. Known since the early 1990s, said Mamiek, hairy men is not never heard complain. Yesterday''that he says are kecapekan people continue to chase each other. Event, fans, the same journalist. 'Forgiveness government, I am tired. Numpang ngadem I want you at home, '''said the fake greeting Mamiek male birth Mojokerto, 5 May 1949 (data version Jawa Pos), 1959 (the version of the death certificate), and 1969 (listed on the ID card) is.
The evening, the more worrying condition. In recognition that liver champion Surip pain. Throughout the night, said Mamiek, he go back and forth to the toilet on. Nggak''there last waffle. I'm surprised this intervention confused. He is just like syuting ad,''said a member Srimulat then suggest that the guests to relax.
BBQ Emergency Unit (UGD) Pusdikkes Hospital, dr Satyaningtyas, can not provide definitive information Surip champion the cause of death. ''To know, to be done otopsi. But, until this afternoon there is no demand (otopsi). May be very sudden death. Alternatively a heart attack,''he said.
He was allowed, when arrived at the UGD, tap the heart of scholars in the field of chemicals that have been stopped. ''However, he was given the first, ie, pairs of oxygen, check the heart, and lungs. Face looks a bit blue. But, the body still warm. Because of the distance from home to hospital 10 to 15 minutes, he may die in the street. Pupil's eyes are up,''ulasnya.
Matter of saliva or foam that had come out of the mouth champion Surip have not seen Satyaningtyas. According to him, when arrived at the UGD, mouth Surip champion is in clean condition. ''Maybe the rest of the breakfast porridge. Water may be pulp,''tepisnya.
Varid states, champion Surip first complained pain on Saturday (1 / 8) after a drinking ice time in Yogyakarta. Varid feel loses because beyond a doubt, champion Surip want to drink other than coffee.
Sunday morning, the condition has not improved Surip champion. Varid directly with the fast moving to cancel two scheduled events of his father. "I do not see tega fatigue," he said.
When are dying on yesterday morning, said Varid, champion Surip was delirious with continuously repeat one sentence favourite. "He continues to say, I love you full, full I love you."