
Alyssa Soebandono will be immediately leave the homeland to continue the study

Alyssa Soebandono will be immediately leave the homeland to continue the study. Of course he would leave relatives and friends who boy friends. For such a young actress is the farewell party before departure to Australia on 29 June 2009 to come.

Party held at the Café Mahakam Piza, Jaksel, Friday (19 / 6) was intended to ask for prayers from all his friends. "Yes right time,week end. So what can 1 group all. Also please pray for the blessing hopefully be smooth," said the familiar stars are called Icha this.

Leaving the family is so sad for a while Icha. But with go on this time he wanted to prove to himself alone. "Of course, sad. Mikirnya year ago is still far, no papa. But suddenly now living 10 days longer. If the child's mother called do not. My Manager Mama is so, so he is automatically and to go everywhere with the same certainty mama. buatku But why should I fear spelled out son mom? Here I prove that I can be independent, "he said.

Not only the family leave so that Alyssa sadness, but also leave the career that has begun to climb. "Jujur very heavy, because I start from zero up to be like this go on ago. Yes one of pride. But I need to live options. Although the weight and offer much more, but more Icha important education of any kind," he added.