
Artis Ersa Mayori

The biography, Ersa Mayori, Perempuan, Islam, Jakarta, 14 Mei 1979

Ersa Mayori

Claimed concerned with the impasse in Jakarta that increasingly for a long time was increasingly serious. "I was increasingly concerned with the impasse in Jakarta." The main thing is between the morning and that night how come was just the same the breakdown

For anticipation of the impasse, Ersa sometimes chose to not drive his personal car. "Sometimes I also rose the taxi bike or busway because I always was thoughtful to pursue time," added the mother of two children.

The impasse in Jakarta was increasingly just serious. With the impasse in the morning, many people felt many people was disrupted and hindered in beraktivitas. Ersa Mayori, some that had received the bad experience related the impasse in Jakarta. This INSERT presenter sometimes chose to rise the taxi bike or busway in order to avoid the impasse.

Marcella Zalianty in Investigation Process

Could circulate the news that mentioned was orderan from the government to ask for the case of Great Setiawan mistreatment investigation, that was accused was carried out by Marcella Zalianty and Ana you Mikola was stopped. However when it was confirmed in District Police Chief Kombes Pol Ike Edwin, this news was denied firm. Was not different from information from Kasat Criminal Investigation Squad, Kompol Suwondo Nainggolan, that stressed this case was still being striven for by additional investigation.

This case his process was returned again. "According to this process has been returned again." Still had the addition that his characteristics were small not big. Yesterday. Yes, now still was striven for by investigation of the addition in order to be able to be returned again to pursued the centre.

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Marissa Nasution VJ MTV

The Biography from Marissa Nasution, Female, Jakarta, 08 Februari 1986

This new Marissa sweetheart evidently was an old friend. "Known by us for a long time." It apostr s just a boyfriend. Marissa chose to not cover his relations up The past has been forgotten, we have knew several years ago. He his person was really good. Not there are those that was kept secret. We only pengen private the atmosphere then, obviously Marissa the matter of his new sweetheart.

Artis Keke Harun

As the new Keke Harun star got a role that really built his image. This actress didapuk as the doctor in the film of SEPULUH. Tentu Saja this role needed efforts extra for Keke to carry out the deepening.

For the deepening of the role, Keke often watched the film. If I more often watched the film, both outside and Indonesia available his connection with the doctor. If in the outside film, the doctor was more dynamic, his clothes then looked more relaxed like with long trousers then not the problem, but if in Indonesia must with the skirt

Maia Happy Birthday

Exact on the Tuesday (27/01) this, Maia Estianty, the former wife of the musician Ahmad Dhani, celebrated his birthday that was 32nd. Since a long time ago personally Maia planned to celebrate his birthday in the orphanage together his three sweethearts. However, because of permission that never will leave Dhani, Maia claimed only could continue to hope Al, El, and Dul could really attend celebration ultah him that.

Maia was grateful because still could celebrate his birthday in this year. "Yes I was grateful." God willing will celebrate with orphanage children in Sentul. This would the concerned year, I want to just simple. We want to dapet fortune, the blessing, and shared with Panti children because of their prayer, children yatim that, potent.

Marshanda : New Acting

Marshanda - only was the addict of temples in the new film, IF CINTA CENGENG. This young star now is the different noose, an illegal drugs addict.

To inspire his role in the film directed by Monty Tiwa this Chacha could carry out observation. He also spent time for hours to do reading. "I was intense for a week with people that really junkie continued I asked what it is like sakau, again high and I was still knowing several terms like nyimeng"

Artis Aura Kasih

The Biography Aura Kasih, Female, from Bandung, 23 Februari 1988. The pretty artist and the section of Aura Kasih The candidate was available." Now we indeed are close, but indeed did not yet make a commitment for to the side of that was more serious, he said. The guy who was known by him in Bandung this was admitted Aura came from the world circle entertainment.

Artis Denada Tambunan

The biography Denada Tambunan
Jakarta, 19 Desember 1978

Artis and singer don't be afraid a lone Remained single in his age that already the head of three, did not make Denada tart-ketir. Although thinking about his mother's concern, pedangdut this section chose to be calm and be careful. Although having the close friend, until this of Denada was not yet prepared to reveal him.

The matter of the guy, Denada comitment to not want to reveal him. "I had the promise, not wanted to expose the problem like that, waited the man that wanted every to me, I wanted glamar you," obviously the star that claimed happier the Indonesian man than this white person. yup so Who is he?

Artis Nafa Urbach Acting Again

The pretty artist Nafa Urbach practical had not emerged again in the glasses screen. His activity as an attendant the Lord made the wife Zack Lee this not all that paid attention to the maintenance of his body. Alhasil, Nafa then to got fat around 16 kg.

As a person pesinetron that had received the predicate of one of the most expensive artists, Nafa intended to repeat the success like previously. Nafa claimed, already many offers to act and the film, but himself did not yet want received because still looked around the theme and the place of the location syuting him.

Apart from acting, Nafa also was preparing single both of them that were wrought on by the musician Andy Rianto. Now for his album will be launched this coming June 2009.

Artis Julia Perez Say

Although often played a role in the film that exploited his section's body, the artist Julia Perez refused to be said only featured his section's body, without showing quality actin.

Jupe refused if his acting only a menunjukan his section's body, without enclosing his acting talent. When the reporters again asked with seldom put in a corner, while trying to keep the tear, Jupe was grateful for criticism that was aimed at him.

Artis Cinta Laura

The Biography Cinta Laura Kiehl Female,

Quakenbruck, Jerman, 17 Agustus 1993

Education was the important matter for Laura's Love. This young star planned to take the diploma. And in order to follow his education, the Love was planned the vacuum from the world of entertainment for a long time. The star born in this August 17 1993 stressed if himself really considered the school important, was proven by him never although escaping for the need syuting even.

Although syuting and singing was the world that was involved in by him, the Love berketetapan to not leave the school. He in fact not although sacrificing the school for the sake of his career. "For me the school or education that number one.

" I not wanted if not the number of one in the school. I never bolos just because of syuting or singing. Not once nerima show if the school day, most weekend doang. Syuting also schedule him strict really. A week most 4 maximal times. That then came home from school. Most the night also up until 11 o'clock, obviously the former Great finalist the Model 2006.

Artis Eri Susan

Artis Eri Susan in the middle of his activity the concert schedule off water, the singer Eri Susan was preparing the newest album that immediately will circulate. Although refusing to name the title of his album, but Eri said six from ten songs in the album, were his work.

The album according to Eri succeeded in being completed for the process of his recorder, at this time was entering the stage finishing. Would not again old immediately will be able to be enjoyed by the community.

That was met in Wisma Mampang, Southern Jakarta, on Monday (19/1) also said his disappointment faced the number of cases of the hijacking in the homeland. The singers and the creator of the song often incurred a loss with the existence of the 'black market'.

Artis Kiki Amelia use Jilbab

Kiki is now very rare wore sexy clothes, even sometimes he chose to be high-fashion complete Muslim with his veil.

"I was grateful very much if at one time could ngikutin senior I with the veil, his matter I felt if the woman with the veil was really beautiful," said the artist who also often went along pengajian this.

Marcella Zalianty Free on February 2 2009

I have info in TV about The process of Marcella Zalianty investigation only was kept having time in a few days, because his detention period will immediately end, to be precise this coming February 2 2009.

Until this, the dossier of the film artist has not still succeeded in being completed by the police. If not wrong Marcella his detention period will end on February 2 and if not in-P21 then Marcella free for the sake of the law, was like this said Minola Se- Bayang, SH, as the producer's lawyer of the LASTRI film.

The Marcella status continued to become the suspect, added Minola that today also reports the expert telematika, Roy Suryo to police. The Marcella bundle was beforehand handed over by police, but later the bundle was returned by the Attorney General's Office because of being considered more incomplete. Currently the bundle is middle in the process of the finishing.

Artis Dewi Persik with Aldiansyah Taher Get Married

Dewi Murya Agung
Jember, Jawa Timur, 18 Desember 1985

Dewi Perssik fell also to the embrace the former girlfriend Nadia Vega, Aldi Taher. Beforehand indeed the two of them could be made an issue of close and went out, but at that time was good Dewi and Aldi refused him by claiming only was friends then.

Aldiansyah Taher
Jayapura, 25 Oktober 1983

Aldi, that admitted to liking Dewi because pedangdut controversial that hard-working prayed and sincere to everyone, said also that his family was enough to accept the status of the widow who was held by the former wife this Saiful Jamil.

I have spoken from the heart to the heart. The status of the widow, what woman that wanted. Hopefully that did not disturb us. Not Dewi Perssik if not the controversial artist. I needed pembelajaran, if I wanted to make a commitment to mean me was convinced.

Artis Shireen Sungkar

Shireen Sungkar
Jakarta, 28 Januari 1992

Shireen Sungkar evidently had the noble heart. This young star always made use of itself to share with the unluckier person. Like that the implementation on Wednesday (14/01). The actress and this The Sisters personnel followed the agenda pengajian and at the same time the benefit for the child yatim.

Although in the situation was sick, Shireen was still giving itself time to be present at this agenda. For him, gave the benefit as the shape shared fortune from the Lord. "I actually was sick but I was narrow-sempetin came." Earlier then the school until not entered. I pengen ngasih same other fortune. The lord would the fortune love with us would for various. In fact I not will be glad also, later frightened him it was thought showed off.

Artis Cut Keke

Cut Zudiake Tengku Angkasa

Jakarta, 04 Desember 1973

Cut Keke then felt Cut Keke was ready to enter again to the world of acting that was loved by him. And to support his professionalism, Cut Keke must indeed be very clever at dividing time. "I if wanted syuting after the child already the school, so the morning still could nyiapin milk for the child and the husband." If all has been ready just syuting. Although the work would not forgot if continue to the housewife, accused pesinetron that did not yet want nambah the child again. him.

The tired feeling then no longer is felt by Cut Keke. Every time was tired, he always could fresh again when meeting his sweetheart. However, was proper for you were other Cut Keke must extra carefully treated Xavier.

Roger Danuartha

Biography Artis Roger Danuartha
Jakarta, 20 Mei 1982

Roger apparently wanted to forget Sheila's silhouette in his life. This that made Roger be reluctant to visit the Pondok Bambu Detention Centre to celebrate Christmas with the Peterpan videoclip star.

Then when finally they met? Has "been rare." Okay then moderate old also not telephoned and visited there (the prison), replied the artist who had launched two solo albums.

Roger personally reluctantly reported when to be precise his relations with Sheila ended. That was certain, Roger acknowledged if himself for a long time had not contacted Sheila again.

Artis Friska

New Singer from The album of one CINTA, the artist of the singer of the female solo, Friska again launched the album bertitel INILAH AKU. Di the album both of them this placed the Thanks song as the hit single first. In this album was gotten 10 songs that were his creation personally. And compared to the first album, Friska claimed more the self-confidence (was confident).

n the new album under this Shelmer Record flag of Friska tried to produce the colour of music and the song that more variatif, was supported by the quality of the riper vowel. Moreover the performance of his song was more light and interesting was listened too. Nice idea.

Artis Rieke Dyah Pitaloka ULTAH ke-35

Artis In the age 35 years, Rieke Dyah Pitaloka was the happiness flood. Not only one pleasure for him, but two at the same time. Apart from would immediately menimang the child, his political career was also increasingly stable after official to caleg PDIP for Dapil West Java 2.

In pregnancy that to his 3 times, Rieke admitted to entering the new phase in his life. He felt more could control his emotions.

As the expression of gratitude, on last Friday (9/1), the star shared SUAMI this held the agenda 7 monthly that by chance fell for his birthday that 35 years. This torque was made use of by him to celebrate ultah with the reporter.

Artis Nadia Saphira

The Biography Artis Nadia Saphira
Jakarta, 20 Oktober 1987

The mother was temporary the father busy working made Nadia Saphira felt frustasi. He went to Bali and met an old artist. It was startling, he at once fell in love without words with the man.

However that did not happen in the real world definitely, only was in the UNDER THE TREE film besutan the famous film-maker, Garin Nugroho. When being met in the premiere of the film in Blitz Megaplex Gran Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat, on last Thursday morning (08/01), Nadia said that in the film, he got many lessons.

Touched on concerning his character, Nadia claimed very much was difficult got chemistry him. source from kapanlagi.com"Get chemistry him was difficult really because there was gap the age that very far, around 41-an." Narrow confused words that were exact to be revealed in the dialogue like what, added Nadia.

Artis Dewi Sandra

Dewi Sandra Killick
Brasil, 03 April 1980

Circulated the news Dewi Sandra and his husband of the singer's couple, Glenn Fredly currently was undergoing separated the house. Although in their respective different place claimed to be his household in the problem, but the matter separated the house both of them were still giving vague information.

DeWi also denied the assumption of his domestic dissension the reason for the matter of the belief. Because from the beginning Dewi admitted to being different, Glenn the Christian follower, whereas himself Muslim.

Artis Dewi Persik Showing Hot Adegan

Dewi's action, of course at once was welcomed by various reactions. During pemutaran first especially the media and the invitation, not few spectators that risih was in fact startled at the action that was shown off by the owner of the Unsteady nickname of the Saw. from"Mad, amused also the cave watched him," said a spectator after watching this film in Djakarta Theatre XXI, on Wednesday (7/1). Has "been normal the time, so really brave," timpal the other spectator.

Dewi's action, of course at once was welcomed by various reactions. During pemutaran first especially the media and the invitation, not few spectators that risih was in fact startled at the action that was shown off by the owner of the Unsteady nickname of the Saw. "Mad, amused also the cave watched him," said a spectator after watching this film in Djakarta Theatre XXI, on Wednesday (7/1). Has "been normal the time, so really brave," timpal the other spectator.

In the film that also was starred in kneaded Aulia, Kiwil, Edi Brokoli and Hardi Fadhillah, Dewi played two different characters. Apart from playing a deaf and mute girl named Lala, Dewi also played the leading figure Anita, that was twins Lala. Told, This source article from kompas.com Lala, that was deaf mute, was killed was hit by the carriage. His spirit gentayangan and tried to look for casualties for the sake of a revenge.

Luna Maya

The artist that liked nge-blog this quite reluctantly when being touched on by the matter of his privacy, moreover if the public be related to-pautkan his relations with Ariel Peterpan.

The artist was as pretty as Luna Maya was indeed not very far from the gossip. So many people who liked him, but not somewhat also jealous with his success. This time the circulating gossip not half-hearted, the owner LM Hardware was reported married in a siri manner.

was met in you Cafe, Jakarta Pusat, on Tuesday early afternoon (6/1), as though uncomfortable with gossips about himself. "I will not answer the question from who.from kapanlagi.com say " Only wanted clarified, that has spread slander about married, thank you very much, because the news was very pleasant, he said.

Artis Revalina S Temat Jeolous with Israel

The cruelty of the Israeli attack to Palestine, awakened the feeling of humanity anyone in this world. Even so with Revalina S Temat. This young actress also took part in feeling concerned with the Palestinian resident who was not sinful that must become casualties appointed Israel.

"I was concerned but also hoped the problem fast was finished, because many that were damaged especially the matter" of "humanity.from kapanlagi.com say " Many of our relatives who did not know anything even became casualties, said Reva that was met in the Vision cataracts office several days ago.

"It was not yet thoughtful in that direction, but that most found it easy to be carried out in a praying manner." Possibly next time I will give help of the fund, added the star that bertahilalat on this cheek.

Artis Tere(Theresia Ebenna Ezeria Pardede)

Theresia Ebenna Ezeria Pardede
Jakarta, 02 September 1979

When the mother came back, himself felt disappointed and startled because of his house already in the empty situation. NY. Larsiana could then ask the police to become the demolition witness of his house padlock.

The singer's artist Tere it was reported expelled the mother personally from his personal house in the Cijantung region, Jakarta Timur. This Tere behaviour could make ibunda him, NY. Larsiana Purba, shock and could cry. He narrated personally started during caleg from Democratic Party intended to sell his mother's house. from kapanlagi.com However the Tere wish was not agreed to by the mother. Was not at him wits end, Tere then tried to make his mother go out of the house by giving him the aircraft ticket to Medan.

According to NY. Larsiana, himself continued to not agree if his house was sold. "Please should not was exaggerated by the matter" of "this reporting." I not like his mother of Kiki Fatmala, said NY. Larsiana.

Artis Edies Adelia

Edies Adelia
Yogyakarta, 26 Februari 1979

Each night if be reminded the beloved mama, Edies always did prayers tahajud and recited the Koran while one week was full. Edies then only could rest 3 or 4 hours in a week were full to pray for ibunda him. For a Edies routine week that not all that rested that in aggravated with the activity syuting the film that must come home on 1 o'clock in the evening.

Initially, was sick that was felt by Edies had an opportunity to be not known by the sign of his illness. Edies only felt the fever that never will descend for 2 days, in fact Edies has taken medicine the stall to cure his fever. And on Tuesday (30/12) rom kapanlagi.com, Edies memeriksakan himself to RS MMC Jakarta.

The medical side could 2 times observed his illness, but first observation, Edies the diagnosis did not suffer the serious illness. And after being treated 4 hours in UGD Edies then in permitted came home. But during in the house, the fever that in the Edies suffering relapsed again. Edies then was forced to be re-memeriksakan himself to the doctor. Edies was at once forced to undergo treated inap to know further the illness that was suffered by him. And after passing the medical process, Edies was sentenced by the doctor suffered dengue fever.