
Artis Agnes Monica

Today i read article about artis Agnes Monica was one of the Indonesian artists that really wanted to five international. Repeatedly was shouted about immediately will depart overseas but often failed. This time the girl who had been gossiped about close to Dirly Idol this even starred in the newest film, was married MASAL. Met in preskon was married MASAL in the Studio 6 RCTI, on Saturday early afternoon (22/11) earlier, Agnes claimed in fact in a manner was not realised, he already five international.

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"Yes in fact if the matter five international without being realised has been carried out by me because at that time I have been in the film with Jerry Yan that was presented down to China." But also could perform until Korea. So all that has been the process, he revealed. The film terbaru him that personally was starred in by him with Glenn Alinskie and Jonas Revanno where Agnes played a role as Sachi.