
Nirina Zubir and Ernest Cokelat will be married

Nirina Zubir and Ernest Cokelat will immediately end the period of their single. Friday (3 / 04), this pair solemnize Bainai customary (adat Minang). This traditional ceremony was held a day or two before the wedding. In a traditional ceremony this Nirina must dipingit, not allowed to meet with Ernest.

In this event, Ernest prohibited Nirina met directly with, this Section of such events seclusion, so he took the witness through this LCD TV. "This is a traditional Minang because we have blood minangnya. Yes dibilangnya night Bainai night, so do ask the same parents," said Ernest.

Watching this ceremony was also customary to make Ernest deg-degan. "Yes it's deg-degan, personally, I have never seen the night is like what Bainai. Sekeluarga Because we all do, haru do ngeliat Nirina nangis earlier, because I also do not ever see Nirina nangis," he added.

This ceremonial procession in traditional Javanese called Midodareni. Digit Nirina colored red by the ten oldest people, including both parents. Nirina bath (dicipratin) such as leaves and disemprot wewangian, make up the (symbolic), be shaven hair on the forehead, and ask for permission (blessing prayer) on both parents. When get advice from Papa (Buya) presenter pretty well this appears to shed tears.