Thursday, April 30, 2009
2:32 AM
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Malaysia was the last news indeed revoke-ban against Daisy Fajarani. Even Dubes RI Dai Bachtiar to Malaysia, he said has provided a guarantee to be able to reunite with daughter Daisy, Manohara Odelia Pinot in Kelantan. But Daisy respond to the cold.
"I do not believe with what they do, is since 2006 they do such things to us, but none of the ditepati. We are not stupid people, do not bodohi us again!" Daisy demolished.
When found in an area paviliun in Jakarta, Wednesday (29 / 4), Daisy says she does not rather be grateful for the attention given by Dubes RI, but if true I can not bring Manohara met at the Embassy.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
10:33 PM
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Manohara is a case of humanitarian cases, said Daisy Fajarina. Mother of Manohara Pinot uterus is refused if there politisasi in this case. Even if this case has become the country's public discourse, particularly among bureaucrats, not more so part of the struggle.
As a mother, Daisy will do anything in order to save kesayangannya daughter. If you need to point to blood efflux.
"This is purely humanitarian issue, I do not believe politicians are not due to a sense of humanity. So far I have not know the response to this problem Kelantan. But I hope this does not occur in the mothers of others. Anything that happens I will lunge , "Daisy demolished in the Hotel Nikko, on Tuesday (28 / 4).
Daisy the position at this time. He feels there is apanya compared with Kelantan. But he has great love, love between mothers with children. However he will continue to fight for the Manohara.
"I have said, to meet Manohara, I am willing to do anything. Tengku Being a slave I will be able to do to meet Manohara," he said.
1:42 AM
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Gen. shame almost overwrite Julia Perez while he was entertaining a visitor center in Tanah Abang last week. Stars in this section presents a series of Saturday Ceria held wholesale center Blocks A and B Blok Tanah Abang market. Besides Jupe, disapa so often, it appears also Arwana hammer.
At that time women who are in trouble with her husband, Damien Perez, Kuda Lumping sing a song. Because you want to see enjoy, Jupe also jump around in front of the visitors that limited restraint. Consequently kemben so that would be down, hands Jupe any direct recall. This event is witnessed by dozens of pairs of eyes.
"Oops, I nearly kemben aja saking heat down," said Jupe smile on the audience while kemben correct.
Action stage Jupe got quite welcome. It is marked with the visitors despite their standing. No sweat run down from the downpours dahinya
Monday, April 27, 2009
3:03 AM
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Pity, Pasha Ungu against his wife, Agustina Okie seemingly not fully down. When family gathering in the GMF (Garuda Maintenance Facility), Soekarno Hatta Airport on Sunday (26 / 4), this handsome widower that he must feel sad when you used to sing a song often sung a former wife.
In appearance at this event, "Purple requested carries 10 songs. One of the songs sung at that time was created for, the duet with Rossa. But for this time of attendance Rossa Onci replaced.
Carries this song before, Pasha said, "The song is often my first songbook for my wife. But until now still, sometimes. So remember when this song is rather sad.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
1:57 AM
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Totality in the figures portray the characters in the film determine the quality of a player. Therefore, the film stars Christian Sugiono willing to do anything including beradegan buss artist with teenagers Pevita E Pearce, in their latest film entitled taste.
According to Tian actual scene of 'wow' it does not need be exaggerated because it is not the core of the film. The kiss scene was a depiction romantisme between the leaders of Vishnu diperankan Tian Rianti with the perankan by Pevita.
"That 'wow' is, but do not disalahartikan. Here, Vishnu and Rianti indeed close together, and eventually falling in love. Scene was very exciting, take aja once, and I have a re-take," Tian said in the Meet and greet Movies sense in Depok Town Square, Friday (24 / 4) yesterday.
Although Tian request does not need be exaggerated, but the husband Titi Kamal was thinking this age play a new opponent to sit in class 1 high school is. However, after the workshop process, Tian finally get the chemistry to the characters diperankannya.
"In the past I think that indeed is the age of Pepi (Pevita, red). And I also met first time with Pepi in this film. But before we are together with the workshop and is also helpful for the formation of character. And the time finally we find that chemistry, "said Tian.
Friday, April 24, 2009
3:50 AM
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Case of override Manohara Odelia Pinot seemed slow answered to by the government. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who represented the Director of Conservation Corporation WNI and Indonesia, Teguh Wardoyo reveal that during the time they see Manohara situation adequately, and even always be under guard by guards. But the government department of foreign affairs stressed that Malaysia is willing to help complete this problem.
Teguh rebut the government slow in responding to this problem. The government first monitoring the situation and decide Manohara adequately. "Ah no. In fact, we also monitored after the report. What we see there, that Manohara OK, just be under guard him tight. What we see in there, he does not seem to be a problem. If the strict because he was under guard of the family kingdom, so we think he adequately, "said Teguh found in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office, Friday (24 / 4).
Teguh even if the Malaysian government promises to resolve this problem. "Yes, the Malaysia akan pledged to help complete the issue Manohara," tambahnya.Kasus overwrite the Manohara Odelia Pinot seemed slow answered to by the government. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who represented the Director of Conservation Corporation WNI and Indonesia, Teguh Wardoyo reveal that during the time they see Manohara situation adequately, and even always be under guard by guards. But the government department of foreign affairs stressed that Malaysia is willing to help complete this problem.
Teguh rebut the government slow in responding to this problem. The government first monitoring the situation and decide Manohara adequately. "Ah no. In fact, we also monitored after the report. What we see there, that Manohara OK, just be under guard him tight. What we see in there, he does not seem to be a problem. If the strict because he was under guard of the family kingdom, so we think he adequately, "said Teguh found in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office, Friday (24 / 4).
Teguh even if the Malaysian government promises to resolve this problem. "Yes, the Malaysia akan pledged to help complete the Manohara issue," he added.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
10:52 PM
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Tina Astari initial meeting and boyfrends, you Wardhana, be regarded simply unique simply unique. Tina confess attracted face with vocalist band competition held out KFC, Bonus Band, it's time to see the billboards stand when food is fast food.
"There I saw how sweet of him. Her Drummer chance I know, Bimo, already long known. so meet make a pact. But only at that time I just want to greet the first prestige, I just do," said Tina which accompanied your scorpion found Citos in Jakarta, Wednesday (22 / 4) night. "Yes we start at that time can be spelled 14-hour phone ," interrupt you with a smile.
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2:03 AM
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Alice Norin after confessing sin because berselingkuh the child has a famous, household crisis with DJ Riri the taper. Even at this time Alice was in Bali to calm themselves on the controversy that occurred in the household.
KCB film stars journey to Pulau Dewata, and recognized the husband when confirmed by via phone, on Tuesday (21 / 4). Riri but does not want to respond to it more. Mempersilahkan himself directly to ask Alice deems that a much more interesting.
"Yes leave. Aja Ask him the same because he is interesting, if I just do interesting. I ngomong lazy slur so rich, I have weight. If I want to invite deh gue release later," he said at the end of the phone.
However, when urged on the problems that coil around the household, Riri confess to submit all of Alice. The Riri consider Alice who started ahead.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
12:32 AM
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Dangdut music development of the climb, it can be seen from the entrance Dangdut songs to the list of Top 10 Nada Personal Connect. Penyanyi female rap, Denada also holds the same. Penyanyi Kujelang Day Dangdut music to see this become a trend and even now are rising again to the peak of summer, such as several years ago.
found in Wisma Mampang, Jl. Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Senin (20 / 4). Daughter Emilia Contessa holds this Dangdut music now not only owned by the Indonesian people, but it is also preferred in overseas such as America and Asia.
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"Now this I am glad the trendnya Dangdut is good again. That is, no matter how Dangdut has become the property of people of Indonesia. If we can be proud Dangdut is not only beloved by our society, but already in love by people overseas," he said.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
10:32 PM
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Osculation action for the artist is something normal. But these are not experienced by artist Sissy Priscillia beautiful. For him, an approach needs to be able to smell action.
"Yes indeed must understand one another. But it was also fitting would think so. Moreover, he is the person , think one was a grubby what it is," said Sissy found at the Plaza Blok M, South Jakarta, Saturday (18 / 4).
Sissy in the latest film titled Romeo Juliet action himself smack with Edo borne. This film tells the life of a matter of two football suporter of mutual disaffection.
Back to Sissy, despite often playing in many film, former lovers Rifat Sungkar must repeat that up to 3 times osculation scene. "Yes you may nervest. But this is a technical course. Ordinary name is also a movie," said Sissy.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
6:22 AM
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Many new artists that can be spelled quasi famous artist. But not so with Afifah Syahira. Aurel young artists in the sinetron MELATI Marvel FOR ashamed and even this would not spelled artist. Nature jaim alias usually try to keep the image light of someone who already appeared to entertain the world is not in himself.
"I'm not comfortable if spelled artists, so even a short distance later with friends. We are equally human, we are proud to be with what we have available," said Afifa time in the studio Persari, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Thursday ( 16/04).
Consequently, with the sikapnya such artist is currently so high school students grade 1 Fajar Hidayah Cibubur got this nickname nyeleneh of friends.
"Many friends that I call the artist gokil, soalnya aku ga tuh jaim been ashamed and I ngelakuin something for that young seusiaku. Even I can be spelled out that most do," he said.
Reflection so that artists are famous chase each media infotainment is far from the artist to everywhere always sang along with this mama.
"Tuh Nggak have thought like that, so big that artists are always chase each other, I am easy going person, what is now Go to the front and liat aja nanti," tutupnya.
Friday, April 17, 2009
3:14 AM
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Should, yesterday (Thursday, 16 / 4) akan so one day happiness for Nia ramadhani. Section, on the day he even aged 19 years and will receive a surprise party that has been prepared far day. Unfortunately, even in a feast and Nia even know where to go.
Initially, management Nia invite journalists to come to the location in syuting Alisha Studio Persari in the South Jakarta, Thursday (16 / 4). Arriving there, however, appears quiet atmosphere. Usut have usut, surprise party that is prepared Nia manager, Didi, canceled conducted Nia cranky ahead.
"I will do it here again," said Didi. since morning Nia was deliberately the kru, and planned inamorato Nia, Ardiansyah Bakrie will become bring cake. But, rather confused because dicuekin, Nia even rage and go from location syuting.
"We do not know where he is now. So likely surprise party is not so. Syuting also canceled on this day. Fortunately we still have a stock appearing tomorrow," said the manager.
With this failure Didi somewhat chagrined, because everything has been prepared, including cakes and pizza. "Eh, he was angry true.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
8:47 PM
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Sheza Idris for the artist, himself now can only take the wisdom of events such as the spread in the photos circulating that knowledgeable. Because everything is happening. Even if the carrier meets the photographs, the attempt itself will forgive.
"I think this a learning process. Gen. " specifically.
Be as before, Sheza visible in a party 'striptease' with some friends. But according to him, the dancers came back a year in which the party held a friend in a karaoke.
Through mamanya, Sherley, disclosed that the process of events that began in the presence of Sheza birthday party of a friend named Chetty. Himself, that allow the daughter came, as they are good friends with the daughter.
Sheza Idris for the artist, himself now can only take the wisdom of events such as the spread in the photos circulating that knowledgeable. Because everything is happening. Even if the carrier meets the photographs, the attempt itself will forgive.
"I think this a learning process. Gen," specifically.
Be as before, Sheza visible in a party 'striptease' with some friends. But according to him, the dancers came back a year in which the party held a friend in a karaoke.
Through mamanya, Sherley, disclosed that the process of events that began in the presence of Sheza birthday party of a friend named Chetty. Himself, that allow the daughter came, as they are good friends with the daughter.
Monday, April 13, 2009
9:10 PM
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Do not want to acknowledge the error of each other to create enmity artist Andi Soraya beautiful model and Catherine Wilson are hot. Moreover, Keket who claim to have good faith to make peace with that Aya does not know the phone number of former lovers is Steve Emmanuel. According to this mother of two childless, it is terbodoh that didengarnya. The Keket met with all the close friends including the Aya brothers.
"If he says I have my number, I say stupid things that I hear that Penah. He was known all-Gank Gank me and my sister me. All senior artist knows my number," said Aya in this time to be contacted via ponselnya, Monday ( 13 / 4) night.
Aya assume if Keket not actually have insiatif for peace. If there is intention to Keket, he should ask for a phone number to Aya friends.
"People know that the nearest he also met with me. The intention, if he actually many roads to Rome. Kayaks so that if I have good faith," said
Sunday, April 12, 2009
11:52 PM
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T2 duo will disband? Perhaps that is the part that appears in the brain and Tika Tiwi penggemar this. The Tika is married to a man named hot not this old Triaji in Bandung. While the pairing is reception night dihelat Saturday (11 / 4) in Sasono Langgeng Budoyo Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
Kala found in the event that, directly Tiwi. According to him, the relationship between itself with Tika running well and never going big noisy. But is recognized, since leaving Tika single status, as if they Pertemanan distance.
"We still can kayak the way first, but now know the limits. If we are often first diagnosed bercandaan now direm. Namanya also have him so there must be a priority," he said while adding, if Tika also helped himself at the wedding day in Bandung.
Tiwi recognition they have given the truth dipertemukan by a recording company, so that T2 does not break or not depending on it, but the company is recording.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
5:30 AM
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After divorce with former husband Joseph Sugianto, pesinetron Ussy Sulistiawaty not also find a substitute father for the second child. He himself did not feel fear when their children ask later, or loss of a father figure. Moreover, the two children are treated in the environment that are all full of men.
"At home, sister-kakakku all men. So do not worry about losing. I figure Many men in the house," said Ussy time in the orphanage Al Mubarokah, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta Friday (10 / 4).
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Moreover, the word Ussy, find a substitute father for his son it is not very necessary. According to him, his son still has his father even though now separated. "Ngapain search of his father. He is still alive. Until whenever Ara still have no father in the uterus even though we separated," said Ussy firm.
Joseph is now living alone in Kalimantan. However, although the former Ussy told if her husband was visiting his son when the need has in Jakarta. "If he was in Jakarta, I still stop by often. Relationships are good and we often phone-teleponan. He also often ask Ara also. So there is indeed a problem," said Ussy.
Educate without her father also did not make children less afraid Ussy akan kasih sayang. "I do not worry, just normal. During this time I also educate Ara with working with my mother. I am also what most outside to work," said Ussy.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
4:53 AM
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RA Kartini figures are means for Zivanna Letisha Siregar. Putri Indonesia for that, what you have done your degree can take the women to be equal with the men, in terms of ability and also work. How do exist emancipation of women is?
"More on the verification that women can also work, not only under the male. Now can many women who work with men," said Zizi, greeting familiar Zivanna when interviewed at Senayan City, Jakarta, Wednesday (8 / 4 ).
"(Emancipation) as you want it forward or not, depending on each one. If I want to progress and continue to work without power as a woman. In no sense and limit its function when already know him," he added.
By the fall of Kartini Day on April 21 to come, Zizi want to celebrate that, with one good shirt.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
9:06 AM
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Some artists just continue supporting awareness to help disaster victims Situ Gintung. Tere including performers, who founded obsessed MCK in the disaster location. So that the shoes themselves merelakan a historic night to go to the block in the charity Band of Brothers Charity For Situ Gintung which took place in the Score, Cilandak Town Square, on Tuesday (7 / 4).
"This shoe is a valuable item for me, because these shoes keep me from all the events of the disaster in Aceh, Yogja, last yesterday Situ Gintung also use this. This is only a small part of my concern. Because I have these shoes so I would like to donate shoes this, "Tere firm.
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Artist who is now a Legislative Candidate (Caleg) the Democratic Party, had felt disappointed with the attitude some people and institutions that throw each other's responsibility. While on the job that should be treated, including the preparation of latrines according to him that the victim is required. From the shoes, her hope to donate some money to the general development facilities.
"I see the chance MCK is needed at this time, so do the shoes can hope to build MCK. I think that was the cost of making MCK is 75 million, I think therefore I am selling shoes 15 million, but for the beginning of my first offering of 5 million, "brightness.
Still according to Tere, keterlibatnya in activities that are supported to knock the heart of the friend and friends involved to help the victims who now still need a lot of attention. Of course, according to the capability that can Caleg area by selecting the West Java II.
Monday, April 6, 2009
7:46 PM
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A number of unwitting performers and groups through the successful band albums recycle, which had been successful. The fact that this singer and presenter Sophie Navita consecutive bet carries the song with the property Jikustik, Thousand Year duration.
Concerning the choice fell to the track property Jikustik, Shophie confess mengidolakan group since the beginning of her husband is the head band. Besides the songs that were at this time has a history of life with Pongky, her husband.
claim to have obtained permission from her husband to bring the songs ciptaannya, even himself also made changes aransemen. So according to him, may have more 'ruh' music as women.
"It is a permit can be from him, other than that I can also buktikan on Pongky, if the song can be sung with the women," he said.
Reaction Pongky own, according to gossip program presenter was not fooled by the aransemennya more women. Precisely because different from the original, the husband approves.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
2:36 AM
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Nirina Zubir and Ernest Cokelat will immediately end the period of their single. Friday (3 / 04), this pair solemnize Bainai customary (adat Minang). This traditional ceremony was held a day or two before the wedding. In a traditional ceremony this Nirina must dipingit, not allowed to meet with Ernest.
In this event, Ernest prohibited Nirina met directly with, this Section of such events seclusion, so he took the witness through this LCD TV. "This is a traditional Minang because we have blood minangnya. Yes dibilangnya night Bainai night, so do ask the same parents," said Ernest.
Watching this ceremony was also customary to make Ernest deg-degan. "Yes it's deg-degan, personally, I have never seen the night is like what Bainai. Sekeluarga Because we all do, haru do ngeliat Nirina nangis earlier, because I also do not ever see Nirina nangis," he added.
This ceremonial procession in traditional Javanese called Midodareni. Digit Nirina colored red by the ten oldest people, including both parents. Nirina bath (dicipratin) such as leaves and disemprot wewangian, make up the (symbolic), be shaven hair on the forehead, and ask for permission (blessing prayer) on both parents. When get advice from Papa (Buya) presenter pretty well this appears to shed tears.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
9:06 PM
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The close day-to-day before the elections, more and more artists are drawn to participate brisk. Shelomita one of the participate in party politics. On the Patriot party, the stars of this interest that has not been put up so Caleg, even though many bids came from other parties.
Shelomita acknowledge, many of the party nominate themselves to participate in the council. But so far he is still loyal to the party that support. "Yes indeed many of the party nawarin, but I say they are the same, I may not move from the Patriot and the Patriot Party I also nawarin for Caleg so, but I want guenya. Because I need ngurus three children that small, it aja ribet already, let alone be many people may not like, not even later maintained, "said Shelomita found in the Patriot Party office, on Jl. Central Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru, Jaksel Thursday (03/04).
Engage not only want to do Selomita, basically he wanted to do something useful for many people.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
9:28 PM
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Movie stars Gary Iskak seems really a serious relationship with Richa Novisha. They stay a little longer to move because get married and Gary Richa news already fiancee.
This was one of the images in the site terpampang Richa Pertemanan property. In the image is portrayed and Gary Richa show ring are the same. However, when it is asked to them, their compact oppugn news.
According to the actors MERAH ITU CINTA this, his only actual fraudulent course. There is no intention to do anything, only a form of seriousness to Gary Richa.
5:07 AM
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January 11 songs that populer by Gigi was a lot of tune. In addition because they bring fresh wind in the world of music as presenting a different theme, number 11 is also considered as a number by some luck, one of Sarah Azhari.
Actress this section is a one ngefans confess with Gigi. He also comes with its own batik berbusana to watch concerts back to the year Gigi-15.
"I ngefans same teeth. Album last CD I also have it. The song that most i like January 11," he said when found at Djakarta Theater, Tuesday (31/03) yesterday.