
Sissy Priscillia fact that trigger adrenalin sports

Young stars like Sissy Priscillia fact that trigger adrenalin sports. Besides diving, Sissy confess now addicted to bungee jumping. Sports craze started in the role of Krazy new film, CRAZY, KREZY ... landing Rako Prijanto.

Sissy admitted that he love sports and diving are now like bungee jumping. "Like diving again yesterday but try bungee jumping behind the rich taste of life in the top but fun," said Sissy found in Restaurants Sing! FX Plaza

However, although challenging to do sports, Sissy impugn his extreme sports fans like this. "Nggak like extreme sports, but enjoy the longer races and the feeling of adrenalin-deg degannya it. This is related to the film syuting in Bali, because there are scenes have to do bungee jumping. Syuting When I'm not brave, but after I try," he added.