
Life Story Manohara Odelia Pinot with Daisy Fajarina

Manohara Odelia Pinot fate was no better than his mother. He worse than the mother. Married with a son of Sultan, people will think Mano gelimang happier with the property, was not. He even and tortured.

"I bernasib better than Mano. I used to wander the property, but I do not lose the freedom of my husband. When I want to meet, my mother with longing, second husband, she also gives me the opportunity to go," said Daisy Fajarina, mother Manohara, time kediamannya in the area in West Jakarta, Thursday (30 / 4).

While in Europe with Reiner, Daisy and her children lived in Villa Alicia, Avenue Des Percheurs, Cap d'Antibes, Nice, worth 2 million euros. Daisy life be regarded luxury, Milan, New York and London is a cool shopping place. Cars sport also in the garage. Reiner is because all the speakers at the event - event prestius in Europe.

"To finance the education of children each month we have to spend 2600 Euro. Dewi Mano and schools in the International School and Vice President of the company's international caliber. So that may not have the life we used to say ditopang Tengku Fakhry," said Daisy while the Mano a few photos while active in school activities.

Daisy started life changed when Reiner stumble case with France Tax Authority. Reiner lose in court. And their beautiful villa in the seizure in 2003.

"We were forced to leave the villa, and I still remember how tegarnya Dewi Manohara and at that time, I am very proud of them. We leave our house outright. One thing that is important children have a very good moral, they can accept the fact of life , if God will have to take the property we want is that no one can prevent, and we realize that, "said Daisy.

Daisy exam does not just stop there, in October 2006, Daisy's father died after suffering a stroke because of coma for 10 years. July 2007 household Daisy and Reiner diterpa problems. They also agreed a separate good.

And now the most important is to restore a Daisy Manohara happiness as they are. Wealth is not everything for him. If he was more like the material, he may not have to live in a house contract with car loans as well.

"If they say that I have received money and how many billion of apartment, I see the evidence that says like that. Allow all such accusations directed to me and I will receive. But help is there at the end of a human child should be assisted to get their rights back. And from the beginning until now only that I want, "his him.