An unpleasant news overwrite famous musicians Justin Bieber and Kesha. Both are rumored to have slept together and had sex! Really?The news stems from a man claiming to be the father of Selena Gomez. October 2012 then, he filed a frenzy that mention Justin had slept with several artists, including Kesha.
Feeling his name was mentioned, Kesha spoke. Tik Tok singer even then insists that all the accusations were untrue. He admitted that he did not have anything to do with Justin Bieber.
"I actually just heard. No. I do not do it, I never slept with Justin Bieber. Besides, she has a boyfriend who is very hot, so yes he can choose lah," said Kesha Examiner reported.
Not only accuse Justin an affair, a man who was not known his name was also revealed that the 18-year singer Selena Gomez was knocked up. But until now there has been no response from Justin. (exa / ris)